Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim - Whitepapers - Maplesoft

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Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

As automotive manufacturers strive to improve fuel-efficiency of their products, all components and sub-systems that go into a vehicle are under closer examination in order to minimize energy losses.


In transmissions in particular, a great deal of effort is being put into assessing exactly how much power is lost, and what can be done to reduce those losses and improve overall efficiency. Maplesoft has developed a MapleSim library of components, transmission sub-assemblies, and complete powertrain examples that show the use of these components in driveline applications. Built with guidance from several transmission manufacturers, this MapleSim library allows you to mix the best of physical models and empirical data to maximize model fidelity, optimize your designs, and improve overall vehicle fuel-efficiency.

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