Lines and Planes via the Student MultivariateCalculus Package - Recorded Webinar - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

Lines and Planes via the Student MultivariateCalculus Package

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Dr. Robert Lopez

Lines and Planes via the Student MultivariateCalculus Package

The Student MultivariateCalculus package contains sixteen commands for defining and manipulating lines and planes in spaces of two and three dimensions. Additionally, all these functionalities are available interactively and syntax-free through the Context Panel system. 

This webinar will give some typical, and not-so-typical examples that might arise in the standard multivariate calculus course. As much as possible, the pedagogical model will be to use Maple to obtain a solution, then to use Maple to implement a stepwise solution.
Language: English
Duration: 59 Minutes
Related Terms: Lines, Multivariate, Multivariate-calculus, Student-multivariatecalculus, Context-menu

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