Essentials of Tensor Calculus - Part 3 - Recorded Webinar - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

Essentials of Tensor Calculus - Part 3

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Dr. Robert Lopez

Essentials of Tensor Calculus - Part 3

In a series of five webinars, Dr. Robert Lopez will present the essential ideas of the tensor calculus. The central concepts are contained in three sections: Preliminaries from Multivariate Calculus, Tensor Algebra, and Tensor Calculus.

In the third webinar of this series, we investigate the question "What is a tensor?" and explore the origin and function of the "metric tensor." We’ll see how the magic of "raising and lowering indices" with the metric tensor is related to changing between natural bases of tangent and gradient vectors.
Language: English
Duration: 50 Minutes
Related Terms: Tensor, Calculus, Multivariate, Algebra, Tangent, Gradient, Vector

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