Thermal Engineering in Maple - Recorded Webinar - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

Thermal Engineering in Maple

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Thermal Engineering in Maple

From refrigerators and air conditioners, to waste heat recovery systems and steam turbines, thermal engineering has influenced every area of life. The growing environmental demands are intensifying the focus on the core goal of this discipline - that of energy modeling and efficiency. 

This involves the practical application of concepts in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat and mass transfer. These concepts become dynamic when applied within Maple; math, programming and visualization tools can be used to interactively explore the design space. Moreover, free application deployment extends the reach of Maple solutions to colleagues, clients and students. 

This webinar demonstrates the value of Maple as a single, unified environment for thermal engineering with practical examples and techniques.
Language: English
Duration: 31 Minutes
Related Terms: Thermal, Maple, Energy, Thermodynamics, Fluid-dynamics

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