Powerful math software that is easy to use
• Maple for Academics • Maple for Students • Maple Learn • Maple Calculator App • Maple for Industry and Government • Maple Flow • Maple for Individuals
Educational tools must have the capabilities to offer quick and easy access in conjunction with powerful technology and user-friendly features. This is especially true when it comes to STEM education. Such tools offer instructors the ability to better engage their students and foster a deeper understanding of key concepts and course materials.
Maplesoft offers learning solutions built around their signature Clickable Math concept, which includes numerous features that allow students to complete problems with tools designed specifically for STEM courses. Unique testing and assessment features allow instructors to create lessons and engage students with videos, graphs, plots and other interactive elements. This whitepaper examines the educational benefits of modern technology tools and provides a detailed overview of Maplesoft’s Clickable Math features.