Thermodynamic Calculations of Two-Stage Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle with Flash Chamber and Separate Vapor Mixing Intercooler - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Thermodynamic Calculations of Two-Stage Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle with Flash Chamber and Separate Vapor Mixing Intercooler

Thermodynamic Calculations of Two-Stage Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle with Flash Chamber and Separate Vapor Mixing Intercooler

: Volodymyr Voloshchuk
Engineering software solutions from Maplesoft
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In the event that a high COP of a refrigeration cycle is of greater importance compared to other factors, it is possible to significantly increase the COP of a basic cycle through the use of a multistage vapor compression cycle. This is especially true when the pressure ratio between the heat rejection and heat absorption pressures is large 5 or more.

Multistaging involves one or more intermediate pressures between the heat rejection and heat absorption pressures, and a series of compressors operating between successive pressure intervals. One type of multi-compressor vapor compression cycle includes a mixing chamber where saturated vapor from the flash chamber mixes with the vapor leaving the low pressure stage compressor. This vapor-mixing chamber acts as a regenerative intercooler since it cools the superheated vapor leaving the low-pressure stage compressor using lower temperature saturated workin fluid, mixing the two prior to the next stage of compression.

This type of refrigeration cycle is analysed in the following calculation.

Application Details

Publish Date: March 04, 2016
Created In: Maple 2016
Language: English

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