Packing Discs into a Circle - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Packing Discs into a Circle

Packing Discs into a Circle

: Maplesoft AuthorSamir Khan
Engineering software solutions from Maplesoft
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This application finds the best packing of unequal non-overlapping disks in a larger circle, such that the radius of the container is minimized. This is a difficult global optimization problem that demands strong solvers; this application uses Maple's Global Optimization Toolbox. You must have the Global Optimization Toolbox installed to use this application.

Packing optimization is industrially important, with applications in pallet loading, the arrangement of fiber optic cables in a tube, or the placing of blocks on a circuit board.

Application Details

Publish Date: March 02, 2016
Created In: Maple 2016
Language: English

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