Quaternion Algebras
Miriam Ciavarella Universit? degli Studi di Torino Italy miriam.ciavarella@unito.it
Marina Marchisio Universit? degli Studi di Torino Italy marina.marchisio@unito.it
The aim of this worksheet is to define some procedures in order to make computations in a quaternion algebra over the field of rational number .
Quaternion algebra means something more general than the algebra of Hamilton's quaternions (for which there exists already a Maple package) .
Let we recall some definitions. A quaternion algebra over is a central simple algebra of dimension 4 over . To give a quaternion algebra is equivalent to give a pair of non-zero rational numbers so that is defined as the -algebra of basis where the elements verify the relations and .
The conjugation is the -endomorphism of which extends the non-trivial -automorphism of , defined by ConjQ. This is an involutive anti-automorphism of and we denote by ConjQ the quaternion conjugate of the element .
Let ; let we recall the definitions of two rational numbers associated to h: the reduced trace of is TrQConjQ and the reduced norm of is NormQConjQ. The invertible elements of are those elements with non-zero reduced norm.
Let v be a place of with completition (so it is either the p-adic numbers field for some prime p or the real number field R) . We say that B is unramified at v if ( defined as the tensor product over ) is isomorphic to the matrices over . We say that B is ramified at v if is the quaternion division algebra over . The set of places of where a quaternion algebra over ramifies is always finite and even, and their product is called the reduced discriminant of B. By the Classification Theorem, the places where B is ramified determine B up to isomorphism as an algebra; thus it can be very useful to give a procedure which computes the reduced discriminant of a given quaternion algebra B=(a,b).
We recall that if B is ramified at infinity then B is a definite quaternion algebra over Q; in this case the reduced discriminant is the product of an odd number of prime numbers and if we write B=(a,b) then both a and b are negative numbers.
We define the following procedures for computing some operations over a quaternion algebra B=(a,b):
1)The procedure ProdQuat returns the product of two elements of B;
2)The procedure InvQ returns the inverse of a non-zero-element of B;
3)The procedure TrQ returns the reduced trace of an element of B;
4)The procedure NormQ returns the reduced norm of an element of B;
5)The procedure Discriminant returns the reduced discriminant of B.
Product of two Quaternion Numbers
Procedure Definition
Let be a quaternion algebra over Q, where the elements i, j verify and . The new procedure ProdQuat in Maple computes the product of two quaternions in B. The algorithm is based on an isomorphism between B and GL(2,Q).
Input data are the pair (a,b) of non zero rational numbers and two elements .
The parameters a and b can be rational numbers or symbols. The output data is the quaternion product of h and g in B.
Example 1.
Example 2.
Inverse of a Quaternion Number
We give a new procedure InvQ in Maple for computing the inverse of a non-zero element h of B=(a,b).
Input data are are the pair (a,b) of non zero rational numbers which define B and a quaternion number h. The parameters a and b can be rational numbers or symbols.
The output data is an element InvQ(h) of B such that h*InvQ(h)=1.
Reduced Trace of a Quaternion
The new procedure TrQ in Maple computes the reduced trace of a quaternion number.
Input data is quaternion number h. The output data is the reduced trace of h, which is a rational number.
Reduced Norme of a Quaternion
We give a new procedure NormQ in Maple for computing the reduced norm of a quaternion number.
The output data is the reduced norm NormQ(h) of h, which is a rational number.
Discriminant of a Quaternion Algebra B
We give a new procedure (Discriminant) in Maple for computing the discriminant of a quaternion algebra B=(a,b).
Input data are the rational numbers a, b defining the quaternion algebra where and . The output data is the product of the finite places of Q which ramify in B.
Roger C. Alperin, Free Subgroups of Quaternion Algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 118, Number 1, May 1993.
Marie-France Vigneras, Arithm?tique des Alg?bres de Quaternions, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 800, Springer-Verlag, 1980.
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