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Interacting Tank Reservoirs

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Interacting Tank Reservoirs 


Samir Khan 

Adept Scientific plc 


This worksheet models the draining of liquid from one tank into into another tank through a connecting pipe.  The flow is opposed by pipe friction, and the level of liquid in each tank oscillates to an equilibrium.  Differential equations that describe the dynamic change in liquid height in each tank and a momentum balance are solved numerically. 



> restart; 1

Physical Parameters 

Cross-sectional area of tanks 

> A1 := 1; -1A2 := .5; -1

Diameter, length, and relative roughness of pipe 

> Dia := .3; -1L := 100; -1e := 0.1e-1; -1

Density and viscosity of liquid 

> rho := 1000; -1mu := 0.1e-2; -1

Gravitational constant 

> g := 9.81; -1

Governing Equations and Their Solution 

Friction Factor 

The following procedure gives the friction factor as a function of the flowrate.  If the flowrate is turbulent (i.e., the Reynolds number is greater than 2300), it uses the Swamee and Jain approximation to the Colebrook equation, or the standard equation for the friction factor in laminar flow otherwise. 

> fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...
fric := proc (Q) local Rey; if not type(Q, numeric) then ('procname')(Q) else Rey := 4*Q*rho/(mu*evalf(Pi)*Dia); if Rey < 2300 then if Rey <> 0 then 64/Rey else 0 end if else 1.325/(ln(e/(3.7*Dia)+5.7...

Differential Equations 

The rate of change of liquid height in Tank 1 

> eq1 := diff(H1(t), t) = -Q(t)/A1; -1

The rate of change of liquid height in Tank 2 

> eq2 := diff(H2(t), t) = Q(t)/A2; -1

A momentum balance 

> eq3 := diff(Q(t), t) = Pi*Dia^2*g*H1(t)*`/`(4*L)-Pi*Dia^2*g*H2(t)*`/`(4*L)-2*fric(abs(Q(t)))*Q(t)*abs(Q(t))/(Pi*Dia^3); -1

Initial Conditions 

> ic := Q(0) = 0, H1(0) = 1.5, H2(0) = 1.2; -1

Numerical Solution of Governing Equations 

> res := dsolve({ic, eq3, eq1, eq2}, {Q(t), H1(t), H2(t)}, numeric, output = listprocedure, known = fric); -1

> H1 := subs(res, H1(t)); -1H2 := subs(res, H2(t)); -1Q := subs(res, Q(t)); -1


> plot([H1(t), H2(t)], t = 0 .. 200, legend = ([
plot([H1(t), H2(t)], t = 0 .. 200, legend = ([


> plot([Q(t), H1(t), t = 0 .. 200], labels = ([



Chemical Engineering Dynamics, Ingham et al., Wiley-VCH, 2000. 


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