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Classroom Tips and Techniques: Norm of a Matrix

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Classroom Tips and Techniques:

Norm of a MatrixNULL


Robert J. Lopez

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics - Rose Hulman Institute of Technology

Maple Fellow - Maplesoft




The greatest benefits from bringing Maple into the classroom are realized when the static pedagogy of a printed textbook is enlivened by the interplay of symbolic, graphic, and numeric calculations made possible by technology.  It is not enough merely to compute or check answers with Maple.  To stop after noting that indeed, Maple can compute the correct answer is not a pedagogical breakthrough.


Getting Maple to compute the correct answer is just the first step.  Using Maple to bring insights not easily realized with by-hand calculations should be the goal of everyone who sets a hand to improving the learning experiences of students.


For example, let's look at how the notion of a matrix norm might be taught in a Maple environment.  In particular, let's consider the definition


LinearAlgebra[Norm](A) = max*{LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*x)}, LinearAlgebra[Norm](x) = 1


where the vector norm || A x || is the Euclidean, or 2-norm, so that || A || is actually LinearAlgebra[Norm](A, 2), the 2-norm of the matrix A.


First we will show that Maple easily computes LinearAlgebra[Norm](A, 2), then we'll show how Maple can be used to gain some insight into just what this number means.





Tools_Load Package: Student Calculus 1

Loading Student:-Calculus1


Tools_Load Package: Student Multivariate Calculus

Loading Student:-MultivariateCalculus


Matrix palette: 2×2 matrix template
Type entries and use Tab key to move through fields.


Context Menu: Assign to a Name_A

Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (2, 1) = 3, (2, 2) = 4})"(->)"A


Matrix palette: 2×1 matrix template for vector
Type entries and use Tab key to move through fields.


Context Menu: Assign to a Name_U

Vector(2, {(1) = cos(t), (2) = sin(t)})"(->)"U


Preliminary Views


In Figure 1, the surface represents the Euclidean norm of A*V, that is,


LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*V) = sqrt(10*x^2+28*x*y+20*y^2)


where V = i*x+j*y. The black curve drawn in the surface is the intersection of the surface with the lift of the unit circle up to the surface. The norm of A is the maximum of LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*V) on the unit circle, that is, along the black curve traced in the surface.


In Figure 2, the slider controls the value of theta for the unit vector u = cos(theta)*i+sin(theta)*i. As u rotates around the unit circle, the green vector, A*u, grows and shrinks. The length of the vector A*u is displayed beneath the slider. The norm of A itself is the length of the longest green vector. In other words, Figure 2 demonstrates that the norm of a matrix is the largest factor by which the length of a unit vector can be changed by the matrix.


use plots, Student:-LinearAlgebra in
local A,V,U,N,f,p1,p2,p3;
end module:
end use:


Figure 1   Norm of AV and the lift of the unit circle


 "theta   ="  =  


Figure 2   Unit vector u (in black); A*u (in green)


Obtain the Euclidean Norm of A


Table 1 demonstrates how to obtain the Euclidean norm of A by syntax-free methods in Maple. The chief tool is the Context Menu system.



Type A, the name of the matrix.
Context Menu: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Menu: Norm_Euclidean


Context Menu: Approximate_10 (digits)

A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])"(->)"(15+221^(1/2))^(1/2)"(->)"5.464985704

Table 1   Syntax-free calculation of LinearAlgebra[Norm](A), the Euclidean norm of A


Matrix Norm from First Principles


In Table 2, LinearAlgebra[Norm](A), the Euclidean norm of A, is obtained via first principles.


For the product A*U, obtain LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*U), its Euclidean norm, and a graph of LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*U)


Write the product of A and U, using a period for noncommutative multiplication; press the Enter key.


Context Menu: Student Multivariate Calculus_Norm


Context Menu: Simplify_Simplify


Context Menu: Plots_Plot Builder (Set `in`(t, [0, 2*Pi]).)


Vector[column]([[cos(t)+2*sin(t)], [3*cos(t)+4*sin(t)]])











Set the derivative of LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*U) to zero and solve for t[max]


Calculus palette: Differentiation operator
Reference LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*U) by its equation label


Context Menu: Student Calculus 1_Solve_Find Roots
Complete Roots dialog as per figure to the right.


Context Menu:Select Element_1


diff((-10*cos(t)^2+28*cos(t)*sin(t)+20)^(1/2), t) = 0

(1/2)*(20*cos(t)*sin(t)-28*sin(t)^2+28*cos(t)^2)/(-10*cos(t)^2+28*cos(t)*sin(t)+20)^(1/2) = 0








Substitute t[max] into LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*U) to obtain LinearAlgebra[Norm](A) 


Expression palette: Evaluation template (Reference LinearAlgebra[Norm](AU) and t[max] by equation label.)
Context Menu: Label_Label Reference


Press the Enter key.


Context Menu: Simplify_Simplify


Context Menu: Approximate_10 (digits)

eval((-10*cos(t)^2+28*cos(t)*sin(t)+20)^(1/2), t = arctan(5/14+(1/14)*221^(1/2)))









Table 2   Calculation of LinearAlgebra[Norm](A) from first principles


Alternate Approaches


An alternate approach treats the calculation of LinearAlgebra[Norm](A) as a constrained optimization problem, where the objective function is LinearAlgebra[Norm](A*V) and the constraint is the equation LinearAlgebra[Norm](V) = 1. Table 3 uses the Context Menu to implement a numeric optimization based on the Maximize  command in the Optimization package.



Write the sequence of objective function and constraint equation, then press the Enter key.


Context Menu: Optimization_Maximize (local)

LinearAlgebra[Norm](A.`<,>`(x, y)), x^2+y^2 = 1

((x+2*y)^2+(3*x+4*y)^2)^(1/2), x^2+y^2 = 1


[5.46498570421913055, [x = HFloat(0.5760484369224957), y = HFloat(0.8174155603603235)]]

Table 3   Numeric solution of a constrained optimization problem


The first number in the returned list is the maximum of the objective function, hence, the norm of the  matrix A. The second member of that list is a list of equations specifying x[max] and y[max].


The symbolic equivalent of the numeric calculation in Table 3 is realized in Table 4 where the Lagrange Multiplier method is implemented.  It is surprisingly "messy," especially since there are multiple solutions that have to be sorted out.


Obtain x[max] and y[max] via the Lagrange Multiplier method


Write the function g*lambda+f, where f is the objective function and g is the constraint; press the Enter key.


Calculus palette: Partial-derivative operator (Differentiate with respect to x, y, and lambda; press the Enter key.)


Context Menu: Solve_Solve (explicit)

LinearAlgebra[Norm](A.`<,>`(x, y))+lambda*(x^2+y^2-1)



diff(((x+2*y)^2+(3*x+4*y)^2)^(1/2)+lambda*(x^2+y^2-1), x) = 0, diff(((x+2*y)^2+(3*x+4*y)^2)^(1/2)+lambda*(x^2+y^2-1), y) = 0, diff(((x+2*y)^2+(3*x+4*y)^2)^(1/2)+lambda*(x^2+y^2-1), lambda) = 0

(1/2)*(20*x+28*y)/((x+2*y)^2+(3*x+4*y)^2)^(1/2)+2*lambda*x = 0, (1/2)*(28*x+40*y)/((x+2*y)^2+(3*x+4*y)^2)^(1/2)+2*lambda*y = 0, x^2+y^2-1 = 0



{lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = (1/442)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = (1/3094)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)}, {lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = -(1/442)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = -(1/3094)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)}, {lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = (1/442)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = (1/3094)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)}, {lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = -(1/442)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = -(1/3094)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)}


Substitute x[max] and y[max] into LinearAlgebra[Norm](A.`<,>`(x, y)) to determine LinearAlgebra[Norm](A) 


Expression palette: Evaluation template (Evaluate LinearAlgebra[Norm](A.`<,>`(x, y)) at the third solution and press the Enter key.


Context Menu: Simplify_Simplify


Context Menu:_Approximate_10 (digits)

eval(LinearAlgebra[Norm](A.`<,>`(x, y)), ({lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = (1/442)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = (1/3094)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)}, {lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = -(1/442)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = -(1/3094)*(97682+1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)+(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)}, {lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = (1/442)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = (1/3094)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)}, {lambda = -(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2), x = -(1/442)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2), y = -(1/3094)*(97682-1105*34^(1/2)*26^(1/2))^(1/2)*(2*(-(1/4)*34^(1/2)-(1/4)*26^(1/2))^2-5)})[3])









Table 4   Symbolic calculation of LinearAlgebra[Norm](A) by the Lagrange Multiplier method





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