There are higher dimensional numbers besides complex numbers. There are also hypercomplex numbers, such as, quaternions (4 D), octonions (8 D), sedenions (16 D), pathions (32 D), chingons (64 D), routons (128 D), voudons (256 D), and so on, without end. These names were coined by Robert P.C. de Marrais and Tony Smith. It is an alternate naming system providing relief from the difficult Latin names, such as: trigintaduonions (32 D), sexagintaquatronions (64 D), centumduodetrigintanions (128 D), and ducentiquinquagintasexions (256 D).
John Ogilvie
Dr. Robert Lopez
Prof. Lenin Araujo Castillo
Dr. Valery Cyboulko
Jason Schattman
Dr. Michael Angel Carter, GED