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Introduction to Maple for College Algebra

Introduction to Maple for College Algebra

D. R. Brooks


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This book is designed to help students learn and apply the power of algebra by harnessing the power of the Maple V computer algebra system to do symbolic manipulation; it can be used in conjunction with any text that covers the material found in a typical college algebra course. The author's goal in writing the book was to examine the computational demands--both symbolic and numerical--of each topic and to determine how students can apply Maple's capabilities to enhance their mathematics understanding and build confidence in their ability to solve problems.

Projects in each chapter help to reinforce the concepts presented. All projects are designed to be realistic, that is, similar to those that students might be asked to solve in mathematics or other courses. Maple commands, symbolic names, and other Maple symbols throughout the book are printed in a different font to clearly represent information typed by the student or appearing on the student's monitor as output from Maple. E

Other Details
Language: English
ISBN: 0-534-34757-6
Publisher: Brooks/Cole

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