Boole's Rule
Calling Sequence
ApproximateInt(f(x), x = a..b, method = boole, opts)
ApproximateInt(f(x), a..b, method = boole, opts)
ApproximateInt(Int(f(x), x = a..b), method = boole, opts)
algebraic expression in variable 'x'
name; specify the independent variable
a, b
algebraic expressions; specify the interval
equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of boxoptions, functionoptions, iterations, method, outline, output, partition, pointoptions, refinement, showarea, showfunction, showpoints, subpartition, view, or Student plot options; specify output options
The ApproximateInt(f(x), x = a..b, method = boole, opts) command approximates the integral of f(x) from a to b by using Boole's rule. The first two arguments (function expression and range) can be replaced by a definite integral.
If the independent variable can be uniquely determined from the expression, the parameter x need not be included in the calling sequence.
In the case that the widths of the subintervals are equal, the approximation can be written as
Traditionally, Boole's rule is written as: given N, where N is a positive multiple of 3, and given equally spaced points , an approximation to the integral is
By default, the interval is divided into equal-sized subintervals.
This rule is also sometimes known as Bode's Rule, due to a misattribution in the literature. The command will accept either or method=bode.
*(1/4), (x[0]+x[2])*(1/2), (x[0]+3*x[1])*(1/4), x[1]], [f(0), f(1/4), f(1/2), f(3/4), f(1)], z)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=4353/file04902/math210.png)

| (1) |

| (2) |
See Also
int, Newton-Cotes Rules, Simpson's 3/8 Rule, Simpson's Rule, Student, Student plot options, Student[Calculus1], Student[Calculus1][ApproximateInt], Student[Calculus1][ApproximateIntTutor], Student[Calculus1][RiemannSum], Student[Calculus1][VisualizationOverview], Trapezoidal Rule