dinterp - probabilistic degree interpolation
Calling Sequence
dinterp(f, n, k, d, p)
a Maple procedure
n, k, d
prime modulus
Given an integer valued function f : (x1,...,xn, p) -> Z that evaluates a polynomial in n variables modulo p, and a degree bound d on the kth variable, determine probabilistically the degree of the kth variable.
The dinterp function may return FAIL if it encounters a division by zero when evaluating f. It may also return a result for the degree of the kth variable which is too low. The probability that this happens can be decreased by using a larger modulus. A 12 to 20 digit modulus is considered ideal.
f := proc(x,y,z,p) x^2+y^3+z^4 mod p end proc:
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
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