NAG[g05ezc] NAG[nag_return_multi_normal] - Pseudo-random multivariate Normal vector from reference vector
Calling Sequence
g05ezc(z, r)
nag_return_multi_normal(. . .)
z - Vector(1.. , datatype=float[8]);
On exit: the pseudo-random multivariate Normal vector.
r - float;
On entry: the reference vector to which memory has been allocated as set up by g05eac (nag_ref_vec_multi_normal). To free this memory the macro NAG_FREE should be added in the users' program after the final call to nag_return_multi_normal (g05ezc).
nag_return_multi_normal (g05ezc) generates a pseudo-random multivariate Normal vector taken from a distribution described by a reference vector set up by g05eac (nag_ref_vec_multi_normal).
Error Indicators and Warnings
Further Comments
The time taken by nag_return_multi_normal (g05ezc) is of the order
where and are appreciably (say 10-20 times) larger than .
n := 2:
tdc := 2:
eps := 0.01:
a := Vector([1, 2], datatype=float[8]):
c := Matrix([[2, 1], [1, 3]], datatype=float[8], order='C_order'):
z := Vector(2, datatype=float[8]):
NAG:-g05eac(a, c, eps, r, 'n' = n, 'tdc' = tdc):
NAG:-g05ezc(z, r):
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