NAG[f03aec] NAG[nag_real_cholesky] - factorization and determinant of real symmetric positive-definite matrix
Calling Sequence
f03aec(a, p, detf, dete, 'n'=n, 'tda'=tda, 'fail'=fail)
nag_real_cholesky(. . .)
a - Matrix(1..n, 1..tda, datatype=float[8], order=C_order);
On exit: the sub-diagonal elements of the lower triangular matrix . The upper triangle of is unchanged.
p - Vector(1..n, datatype=float[8]);
On exit: the reciprocals of the diagonal elements of .
detf - assignable;
dete - assignable;
Note: On exit the variable detf will have a value of type float, dete will have a value of type integer.
On exit: the determinant of is given by . It is given in this form to avoid overflow or underflow.
'n'=n - integer; (optional)
Default value: the first dimension of the arrays a, p and the second dimension of the arrays a, pthe array a.
On entry: , the order of the matrix .
Constraint: . .
'tda'=tda - integer; (optional)
On entry: the second dimension of the array a as declared in the function from which nag_real_cholesky (f03aec) is called.
Constraint: . .
'fail'=fail - table; (optional)
The NAG error argument, see the documentation for NagError.
nag_real_cholesky (f03aec) computes a Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive-definite matrix, and evaluates the determinant.
nag_real_cholesky (f03aec) computes the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive-definite matrix where is lower triangular. The determinant is the product of the squares of the diagonal elements of .
Error Indicators and Warnings
On entry, n must not be less than 1: .
The matrix is not positive-definite, possibly due to rounding errors. The factorization could not be completed. detf and dete are set to zero.
The accuracy of the determinant depends on the conditioning of the original matrix. For a detailed error analysis see page 25 of Wilkinson and Reinsch (1971).
Further Comments
The time taken by nag_real_cholesky (f03aec) is approximately proportional to .
n := 4:
tda := 4:
a := Matrix([[6, 7, 6, 5], [7, 11, 8, 7], [6, 8, 11, 9], [5, 7, 9, 11]], datatype=float[8], order='C_order'):
p := Vector(4, datatype=float[8]):
NAG:-f03aec(a, p, detf, dete, 'n' = n, 'tda' = tda):