Calling Sequence
The MTM package is a collection of Maple commands to support the Maple Toolbox.
The commands in the MTM package are useful by themselves inside Maple without MATLAB. Some of the commands are relatively simple front ends to the standard Maple commands. For instance, MTM[sin] is the same as sin, except that MTM[sin](A) will map over the elements of A when A is an array. Other commands, such as MTM[vertcat], offer new functionality: vertcat provides an easy way to combine arrays.
All commands in this package work with table-based sparse arrays as well as rtable-based dense Arrays in addition to scalar values and symbolic expressions.
Boolean-valued functions in this package typically operate with 1 and 0 as the true/false values.
List of MTM Package Commands
The following is a list of commands available in the MTM package:
Since the MTM package uses names that are the same as many top-level Maple commands, users should be careful after executing with(MTM). Some commands inside MTM behave differently or accept a different calling sequence than the top-level commands of the same name.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
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