MapleSim Driveline Library Overview
The MapleSim™ Driveline Library provides a complete collection of one-dimensional components to model a power train from the engine to the wheels, and includes power transmission elements such as gears and gearboxes, CVT, torque converter, and differentials.
With this library you can fully design, analyze and test systems, and use the MapleSim technical documentation tools to document your design decisions. For example, you can attach a template to your model to expand the simulation environment to perform a more complete and detailed analysis and design.
MapleSim also gives you the capability to connect the Driveline components to components in other domains (such as hydraulics and magnetic) to increase the fidelity of your models. MapleSim also gives you the capability to integrate Driveline components into multibody models, for example, using the 1-D differential model in a multibody vehicle model.
The Driveline Library consists of the following modeling components:
Note: The ID columns in the tables of these help pages list the programmatic names for parameters, variables, and certain connectors. These names are displayed in a Maple worksheet when you perform advanced analysis tasks; these names may differ from the names of their corresponding elements displayed in the MapleSim interface.
For more information about analysis tasks and working with your model in MapleSim, see Chapter 5: Analyzing and Manipulating a Model in the MapleSim User's Guide.
See Also
MapleSim Help System
MapleSim Library Overview
1-D Mechanical Overview