Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Why Good Math Tools Make Engineering Education Even Better

Length: 38 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Mathematics lies at the heart of all engineering, but it can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to engineering education. Truly understanding the underlying mathematics can lead to a deeper understanding of fundamental engineering concepts, but the mechanics of the computations can also im...

A Sneak Peek at Maple 2023 for Education and Research

Length: 58 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Be among the first to know! Join Maplesoft’s Director of Academic Product Management, Karishma Punwani, for a special advanced look at Maple 2023. You’ll discover some of the exciting new additions in Maple 2023 of particular interest to educators and researchers, before it is released t...

Introducing Maple 2022 for Education & Research

Length: 38 Minutes
Presenter: Nadia Sid
Product: Maple

In this Maple 2022 webinar, you’ll learn about: Advancements in Maple’s mathematical abilities Small but important changes that improve workflow and usability Discover some of the new tools that Maple 2022 has for teaching and learning math and much more!

Construire un support mathématique différencié

Length: 65 Minutes
Presenter: Jalal Soussi
Product: Maple

Ce webinaire a pour  vocation  d'apporter un regard pédagogique  sur  les applications de Maple. Loin de moi l’idée d’aborder  Maple en tant qu’espace de codage, et de programmation , mais plutôt comme outil accessible au professeur n...

Math Software Solutions that Keep Up With Your Students

Length: 55 Minutes
Presenter: Karishma Punwani
Product: Maple,Maple Learn

Technology can play a critical role in supporting and enhancing math education, with enlightening visualizations, instant feedback, motivating examples, and hands-on explorations. But selecting that technology typically requires some trade-offs, since students in grade 10 have very different needs f...

Maple voor docenten: een eerste verkenning

Length: 61 Minutes
Presenter: Erik Postma
Product: Maple

Dit webinar is bedoeld voor docenten die voor het eerst met Maple werken - of die erover denken met Maple te gaan werken. We zullen de volgende onderwerpen bekijken: Wiskundige uitdrukkingen invoeren en ermee werken, met of zonder gebruik van commando's De rol van het "Context Panel" e...

Maple-Gym Masterclass

Length: 62 Minutes
Presenter: Knud Nissen
Product: Maple

Kom med Knud Nissen, matematiklærer på Aarhus HF og VUC og skaber af Maple-Gym-pakken, til en rundvisning i funktionerne og forbedringerne til undervisning i den nyeste version af Maple. Denne session vil dække følgende emner: Ændringer og forbedringer af brug...

Introducing Maple 2021 for Education and Research

Length: 37 Minutes
Presenter: Karishma Punwani
Product: Maple

From small but incredibly useful interface improvements to whole new areas of mathematics, Maple 2021 offers a range of enhancements across the entire product. In this webinar, you’ll learn about: Significant additions to Maple’s tools for teaching and learning math Advance...

Présentation avec le PDG de Maplesoft des solutions pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des mathématiques

Length: 82 Minutes
Presenter: Nicolas Cottereau, Dr. Laurent Bernardin, Nadia Sid & Karishma Punwani
Product: Maple

Rejoignez le PDG de Maplesoft, le Dr Laurent Bernardin, pour une information exclusive sur les solutions Maplesoft dédiées pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des mathématiques. Que vous soyez un nouvel utilisateur de Maple ou un utilisateur de longue date, vous repartirez av...

Entdecken Sie die Komplettlösung für das Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik mit Maplesoft

Length: 60 Minutes
Presenter: Andreas Schreiber, Dr. Laurent Bernardin & Karishma Punwani
Product: Maple

Geben Sie Ihren Schülern das, was sie brauchen, um in und außerhalb des Klassenzimmers in Mathe erfolgreich zu sein. Begleiten Sie Maplesoft-CEO Dr. Laurent Bernardin zu einem exklusiven Briefing über Maplesofts maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für das Lehren und Lernen von ...