Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Math Software for Mechanical Engineers

Length: 23 Minutes
Presenter: Samir Khan
Product: Maple

From kinematics and dynamics to heat transfer and fluid flow, Maple delivers a robust, auditable environment for the types of calculations and mathematical analyses performed by Mechanical Engineers. This webinar introduces the features in Maple that Mechanical Engineers will value the most, and ...

Exploring Engineering Fundamentals with Maple and MapleSim: Kinematics & Dynamics

Length: 26 Minutes
Presenter: Charlotte Blinston
Product: Maple,MapleSim

Engineering Fundamentals is designed to encouraged students to explore and prepares them with a solid foundation in fundamental principles and physical laws. By gaining problem solving skills and an understanding of the basics, students are on their way to becoming analytical, detail-oriented, and c...


Length: 60 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple


Robotics Design in Maple and MapleSim

Length: 43 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple,MapleSim

With an intuitive multidomain modeling environment and powerful multibody modeling technology, Maplesoft’s suite of modeling and simulation tools are uniquely suited to developing mechatronic systems, including such diverse applications as robotics, guidance systems, active stabilizers, vibration at...

Estudando tópicos de Física e Química com Maple

Length: 34 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Nessa webinar estudaremos Física com exemplos simples como cinemática, trabalho e energia e princípios de conservação usando os comandos básicos e também os aplicativos matemáticos já disponíveis no Maple. E estudaremos, entre out...

Solving Inverse Kinematic Problems: Tracking-Radar Motion Control

Length: 8 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Because MapleSim is based on symbolic technology, it makes finding solutions to challenging inverse kinematic problems not only possible, but easy. In this video, MapleSim is used to solve the inverse kinematics problem of keeping an aircraft's radar gimbal pointed at a stationary target as the airc...

Applications en robotique avec MapleSim et Maple

Length: 50 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple,MapleSim

Nous vous proposons de découvrir lors de ce séminaire en ligne la puissance de l'environnement de modélisation multi-domaines de MapleSim appliqué à la robotique. MapleSim, associé à Maple, réunit le meilleur du calcul symbolique et du calcul n...