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Explore the Results: Combining AI and Analytics to Support Student Success Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 10:00 AM
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Length: 65 Minutes Presenter: Jalal Soussi Product: Maple
Ce webinaire a pour vocation d'apporter un regard pédagogique sur les applications de Maple. Loin de moi l’idée d’aborder Maple en tant qu’espace de codage, et de programmation , mais plutôt comme outil accessible au professeur n...
Length: 29 Minutes Presenter: Takashi Iwagaya Product: Maple Flow
Maple Flowは、エンジニアが設計計算に関するブレインストーミング、計算構築、文書化を簡単に行うことができる全く新しい計算ツールです。設計計算の大部分を占めるシンプルなものから中程度に複雑な計算を主な対象として、Maple Flowは、計算の改良、要素の再配置などの計算構築や、その利用自体をサポートするため、計算結果を自動的に更新するホワイトボードスタイルの環境を提供します。 このWebセミナーでは、Maple Flowがもたらす設計計算を構築するために必要な柔軟性と、実際のプロジェクトへの適用を素早く行うために考えられた直感的な操作性について紹介します。 設計計算を素早く簡...
Length: 26 Minutes Presenter: Samir Khan Product: Maple Flow
Maple Flow is an all-new tool that allows engineers to easily brainstorm, develop, and document their design calculations. Specifically targeted at the simple to mid-range math that make up the majority of engineering analysis, Maple Flow gives users a scratchpad-style environment that automatically...
Length: 55 Minutes Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez Product: Maple
Maple's syntax-free Clickable Math will be used to explore topics in precalculus, including basic algebra and trigonometry. So, algebraic and trigonometric equations will be solved, graphs will be drawn, the binomial theorem explored, induction illustrated, etc., all without having to grapple with t...
Length: 16 Minutes Presenter: Karishma Punwani Product: Maple
Maple 2020 offers a vast collection of enhancements for both long-time customers and those who are using Maple for the very first time. In this webinar, you’ll learn about advancements that increase Maple’s mathematical abilities, as well as new and improved tools for interactive prob...
Length: 65 Minutes Presenter: Juergen Gerhard Product: Maple
Maple Programming: Tips and Tricks presented by Juergen Gerhard at the Maple Conference 2019.
Length: 15 Minutes Presenter: Daniel Skoog Product: Maple
More and more, students are looking for coding experience even when they are not studying computer science. But in a post-secondary institution, how do you give your students the opportunities they need when they aren’t taking a programming course? And how to you do it in a way that supports t...