Applications of Symbolic Computation in Control Design - Recorded Webinar - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

Applications of Symbolic Computation in Control Design

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Applications of Symbolic Computation in Control Design

You may already use Maplesoft’s solutions within your organization, but did you know that they have capabilities for control design as well? In this live webinar, learn about the advantages symbolics can bring to the process of control design, which include the ability to extract symbolic equations of plant models, perform symbolic linearization, design symbolic controllers, and generate very fast code for HIL testing.

In addition, an expert from Maplesoft will use Maple and MapleSim’s control design package to demonstrate the following examples:
  • PID Control
  • LQR, Kalman filter design
  • Gain scheduling
  • Feedback linearization

Language: English
Duration: 42 Minutes
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