solvefor - solve for one or more of the variables found in a set of equations
Calling Sequence
solvefor(eqn_1, eqn_2, ... )
eqn_1, eqn_2, ...
equation or a set of equations to be solved collectively
expression sequence of variables to be placed on the left-side of the equations forming a solution
expression sequence; one or more equations to be solved collectively
Important: The solvefor command has been deprecated. Use the superseding command solve instead.
The solvefor command isolates specified variables (if any) from a set of equations on the left-hand side of a reduced set of equations. If no variables are specified it is essentially equivalent to a call to solve. Answer are returned in a form suitable for use in other commands such as subs and eval.
The original set of equations is formed by collecting the arguments to solvefor into a set of equations. The solve command is applied to the resulting system to produce 0 or more solutions.
If no solution is found this is indicated by an empty list. If more than one solution is found then they are returned as a list of solutions.
Each solution is returned as an equation, or (if more than one equation is involved) as a set of equations in which the variables on the left-hand side do not appear on the right hand side.
Variables may be specified as an index to the procedure name, as in solvefor[x](...). This indicates that the solutions must include the indicated variables on the left-hand side of the solution equations.
Important: The solvefor command has been deprecated. Use the superseding command solve instead.
Warning, solvefor is deprecated. Please use solve command.
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Warning, solvefor is deprecated. Please use solve command.
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Warning, solvefor is deprecated. Please use solve command.
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Warning, solvefor is deprecated. Please use solve command.
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