convert/disjcyc - convert a permutation in list notation or a word into disjoint cycle notation
convert/permlist - convert a permutation in disjoint cycle notation into list notation
Calling Sequence
convert(lperm, 'disjcyc')
convert(word, 'disjcyc', pg)
convert(perm, 'permlist', deg)
permutation in list notation
word in the generator names of pg
the permutation
the degree of the permutation
permgroup with named generators
The argument lperm is expected to be a permutation in list notation. This means that lperm is a list whose ith element is the image of i under the permutation. The permutation is returned in disjoint cycle notation.
word is expected to be a word in the generator names of pg. In other words, word is a list whose elements are generator names and/or their inverses. The product represented by word is computed and returned in disjoint cycle notation.
A list is returned whose ith element is the image of i under perm, for .
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