LieAlgebras[Killing] - find the Killing form (matrix) of a Lie algebra, evaluate the Killing form on a pair of vectors, evaluate the Killing form on a subspace
LieAlgebras[KillingForm] - find the Killing form (symmetric tensor) of a Lie algebra
Calling Sequences
Killing(x, y)
x,y - a pair of vectors in a Lie algebra g
Alg - (optional) the name of a Lie algebra
h - a list of vectors defining a basis for a subspace of a Lie algebra g
The Killing form on a Lie algebra g is the symmetric quadratic form defined by Killing(x, y) = trace(ad(x).ad(y)) for any x, y in g. Here ad(x) and ad(y) are the ad matrices for the vector x and y.
In terms of the structure constants C^k_{ij} with respect to the basis e_i for g, Killing(e_i, e_j) = C^k_{il} C^l_{jk} (summation on l).
Killing() calculates the Matrix [Killing(e_i, e_j)] = [C^k_{il} C^l_{jk}], where the C^k_{ij} are the structure constants for the current Lie algebra.
Killing(Alg) calculates the Killing Matrix for the Lie algebra Alg.
Killing(h) calculates the Killing Matrix restricted to the subalgebra h.
The command Killing is part of the DifferentialGeometry:-LieAlgebras package. It can be used in the form Killing(...) only after executing the commands with(DifferentialGeometry) and with(LieAlgebras), but can always be used by executing DifferentialGeometry:-LieAlgebras:-Killing(...).
Example 1.
First initialize a Lie algebra and display the Lie bracket multiplication table.
![L1 := _DG([["LieAlgebra", Alg1, [3]], [[[2, 3, 1], 1], [[1, 3, 2], -1], [[1, 2, 3], 1]]])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6609/file05810/math114.png)
Alg1 >


![[[e1, e2] = e3, [e1, e3] = -e2, [e2, e3] = e1]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6609/file05810/math123.png)
| (2.1) |
Compute the Killing form on the vectors x = e1 + e2 and y = e1 - e2 + e3.
Alg1 >

![_DG([["vector", Alg1, []], [[[1], 1], [[3], 1]]])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6609/file05810/math138.png)
| (2.2) |
Alg1 >

![_DG([["vector", Alg1, []], [[[1], 1], [[2], -1], [[3], 1]]])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6609/file05810/math145.png)
| (2.3) |
Alg1 >


| (2.4) |
Compute the Killing form for the current Lie algebra.
Alg1 >


| (2.5) |
Compute the Killing form restricted to the subspace S = [e2, e3].
Alg1 >
![S := [e2, e3]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6609/file05810/math173.png)
Alg1 >


| (2.6) |
Example 2.
Here is the Killing form for the Lie algebra from Example 1, given as a symmetric, covariant tensor on the Lie algebra.

![_DG([["tensor", Alg1, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], -2], [[2, 2], -2], [[3, 3], -2]]])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6609/file05810/math202.png)
| (2.7) |
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