Maple Reader
The Maple Reader is a program designed to allow you to read and interact with mbooks, which are electronic books composed of Maple documents. It can be used to view any collection of Maple documents that use the Maplesoft MBOOK file format.
To open the Maple Reader
In Windows, from the Start menu, select All Programs, Maple, and then Maple Reader.
Uses of the Maple Reader
Using the Maple Reader, you can read documents and interact with any Maplets and embedded components (such as buttons, entry boxes, and sliders) that appear in the documents. However, you cannot edit the electronic book or enter your own executable commands.
The Maple Reader also makes searching multiple Maple documents easier, and provides a table of contents pane, similar in style to the Maple help system.
Although there is no activation required to use the Maple Reader, all mbooks require activation after they have been purchased. See the Install.html file for each mbook for activation instructions.
Contact Maplesoft for more information on the Maple Reader and electronic books.
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