Add a Title or Caption
Add, edit, or remove a title or caption for a plot.
Add a Title
Click the plot to select it.
From the Plot menu, select Title and then Add Title. Alternatively, right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) the curve to activate the context-sensitive menu and follow the same path.
Edit the title. To enter 2-D math in the title, click the Math button and enter an expression using 2-D format. To return to text mode, click the Text button.
Edit a Title
Click the plot to select it.
From the Plot menu, select Title and then Edit Title. Alternatively, double-click the title. The title region will display.
Remove a Title
Click the plot to select it.
From the Plot menu, select Title and then Remove Title. Alternatively, right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) the curve to activate the context-sensitive menu and follow the same path.
Add, Edit or Remove a Caption
Follow the same steps as with a title. The caption appears below the plot.
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