Translation of Maple Worksheets to LaTeX
The Export as LaTeX facility translates a Maple worksheet into a LaTeX 2e document.
The mathematical notation and the numerous special symbols that are special to LaTeX are normally reencoded to preserve their appearance in LaTeX.
The Maple LaTeX character style should be used to identify any encodings intended for passing directly through to LaTeX.
For instructions on how to export a Maple worksheet as LaTeX, see Export as LaTeX.
The following is a description of what happens when you export the worksheet:
Displayed mathematics is translated into LaTeX 2e, using line-breaking algorithms to conform to the document width requested by the user.
Hidden content is not exported.
Images and sketches are not exported.
Maple character styles are mapped directly onto LaTeX 2e macro calls.
Maple paragraph styles are mapped onto LaTeX environments.
Maple section headings are mapped on LaTeX sections and subsections as required.
Maple spreadsheets are converted to LaTeX tables.
Superscript and subscripts are exported correctly.
The Maple worksheet is processed line by line and written to a file.
Maple plots are rewritten in separate postscript files and links to those files are inserted in the LaTeX document.
The resulting text file is a LaTeX document that can be presented in many different formats simply by selecting different LaTeX document classes and parameters.
In the initial document, Maple uses a standard LaTeX style known as article.
The Maple LaTeX Document Structure
Some page numbering options specified in the Maple worksheet are applied to the LaTeX document. These include the following:
Page numbering on or off
Numbering of the first page
Style of the page numbers
Page Layout
The horizontal and vertical positions of the page numbers are not exported. They are determined by LaTeX.
Page break objects are translated to the corresponding page break object.
The overall page layout of the document is decided by the document class specified at the top of the file. This is done by including a line of the following form:
Several standard LaTeX 2e styles are available, such as report, book, and article, each giving a slightly different page layout. Many mathematics publishers provide their own styles.
The document body (the actual content of the Maple worksheet) appears between the lines.
Several TeX macros appear between the class definition and the document body (an area of the LaTeX document called the document preamble.) These macros define (or redefine) other macros used in the document body.
The macro definitions specific to Maple documents are defined as a macro package called maplestd2e. This is included in your document by the line:
The Maple-defined styles used in your document are made known to LaTeX by macro calls of the following form:
\DefineParaStyle{Bullet Item}
\DefineParaStyle{Dash Item}
\DefineParaStyle{Heading 1}
\DefineParaStyle{Heading 2}
\DefineParaStyle{Heading 3}
\DefineParaStyle{Heading 4}
\DefineParaStyle{Text Output}
\DefineCharStyle{2D Math}
\DefineCharStyle{Help Heading}
\DefineCharStyle{Maple Input}
The default Maple styles each have a predefined LaTeX definition in maplestd2e.sty. For information, see Printing and Viewing Maple LaTeX documents. The user defined styles default to the style of the LaTeX document, but you can override them by adding macro definitions similar to those outlined below.
Redefining Styles
Samples of these style definitions are included near the end of the maplestd2e.sty file.
For example, the paragraph style for Normal and Title paragraph styles are defined as follows:
Character styles generally take the following form:
\expandafter\def\csname 2D Math\endcsname#1{%
{\rmfamily\upshape #1}}
\expandafter\def\csname Maple Input\endcsname#1{%
{\ttfamily\upshape #1}}
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