verification ::=
{ verification* }
alternation; any of the verifications
| [ verification* ]
a list of the given verifications
| complex(numeric)
match complex numerical constants exactly
| string
match strings exactly
| verification = verification
an equation of the corresponding verifications
| verification <> verification
an inequality compared with given verifications
| verification < verification
a relation compared with given verifications
| verification <= verification
a relation compared with given verifications
| verification > verification
a relation compared with given verifications
| verification >= verification
a relation compared with given verifications
| verification .. verification
a range compared with given verifications
| verification and verification
an AND of the corresponding verifications
| verification or verification
an OR of the corresponding verifications
| not verification
a NOT of the corresponding verification
| verification &+ verification ...
a sum of the corresponding verifications
| verification &* verification ...
a product of the corresponding verifications
| verification &. verification ...
a dot product of the corresponding verifications
| verification ^ verification
a power compared with the given verifications
| fcnverification
a function or special verification
fcnverification ::=
sets of elements compared with the given verification
| list(verification)
lists of elements compared with the given verification
| `&+`(verification)
a sum of terms of the given verifications
| `&*`(verification)
a product of factors of the given verifications
| specfunc(verification,foo)
the function foo with arguments compared with the given verification
| anyfunc(verification*)
any functions with arguments compared with the given verifications
| function(verification)
any function with arguments compared with given verification
| name(verification)
any name with a value of the given verification
| foo(verification*)
a verification defined by a procedure addverify(foo::name, bar::procedure)
| foo(verification*)
the function foo with arguments compared with the given verifications