verify[And], verify[Or], verify[Not] - Boolean combinations of verifications
Calling Sequence
verify(expr1, expr2, And(ver1, ver2,...))
verify(expr1, expr2, Or(ver1, ver2,...))
verify(expr1, expr2, Not(ver))
expr1, expr2
ver, ver1, ver2, ...
With And, Or, and Not, new verifications can be constructed from existing verifications.
An And verification structure returns true if the first two arguments satisfy the relations checked by all the verifications
An Or verification structure returns true if the first two arguments satisfy at least one of the relations checked by the given verifications.
Not converts any true results into false and any standard false results (of type 'verify'(false)) into true.
These verifications are symmetric in the first two arguments if and only if the verifications ver1, ver2, ... are symmetric.
The constructor Or can be used instead of a set to fix the order of evaluation of the verifications.
| (1) |
| (2) |
expand is much cheaper operation, so call it before calling simplify
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
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