Distributions of the stats Package
The following discrete distributions are available:
hypergeometric[N1, N2, n]
The following continuous distributions are available:
beta[nu1, nu2]
cauchy[a, b]
exponential[alpha, a]
fratio[nu1, nu2]
gamma[a, b]
laplaced[a, b]
logistic[a, b]
lognormal[mu, sigma]
normald[mu, sigma]
uniform[a, b]
weibull[a, b]
In the following, the discrete distributions have probability density functions that are evaluated at integral values of x.
The distribution (binomial distribution) has the probability density function . The name binomiald is so chosen in order to distinguish it from the function binomial(). Constraints: x is a non-negative integer no greater than n, n is a positive integer, p is a number between 0 and 1.
The distribution has the probability density function equal to
Constraints: x is a non-negative integer no greater than n, n is a positive integer, p is a number between 0 and 1.
The distribution has the probability density function exp(-mu)*mu^x/x!
For the continuous distributions, the parameter x takes a real value.
The distribution has the probability density function
1/Beta(nu1, nu2) * x^(nu1-1) * (1-x)^(nu2-1).
Constraints: nu1, nu2 are positive integers.
The distribution has the probability density function .
The distribution has the probability density function
x^((nu-2)/2) exp(-x/2)/2^(nu/2)/GAMMA(nu/2), x>0, nu>0.
Constraint: nu is a positive integer.
The distribution has the probability density function
GAMMA( (nu1+nu2)/2)/GAMMA(nu1/2)/GAMMA(nu2/2)*(nu1/nu2)^(nu1/2)*
x^((nu1-2)/2) / ( 1+ (nu1/nu2)*f) ^ ((nu1+nu2)/2), x>0, nu1>0, nu2>0
This distribution is also known as the Fisher F distribution and the variance ratio distribution. Constraints: nu1, nu2 are positive integers.
The distribution has the probability density function
The has the probability density function
The parameter mu has the default value and the parameter sigma has the default value . Constraint: sigma cannot be 0. See also the normald distribution.
The distribution has the probability density function
The parameter mu has the default value and the parameter sigma has the default value . Note that sigma is the standard deviation and not the variance. Constraint: sigma must be positive.
The distribution has the probability density function
GAMMA( (nu+1)/2 )/GAMMA(nu/2)/sqrt(nu*Pi)/(1+t^2/nu)^((nu+1)/2)
Constraint: nu is a positive integer.
The distribution has the probability density function
Important: The stats package has been deprecated. Use the superseding package Statistics instead.
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