numapprox[laurent] - Laurent series expansion
Calling Sequence
laurent(f, x=a, n)
laurent(f, x, n)
expression representing the function to be expanded
the variable of expansion
the point about which to expand
(optional) non-negative integer stating the order of expansion
The function laurent computes the Laurent series expansion of f, with respect to the variable x, about the point a, up to order n.
The laurent function is a restriction of the more general series function. See series for a complete explanation of the parameters.
If the result of the series function applied to the specified arguments is a Laurent series with finite principal part (i.e. only a finite number of non-negative powers appear in the series) then this result is returned; otherwise, an error-return occurs.
The command with(numapprox,laurent) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.
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