geometry[reflection] - find the reflection of a geometric object with respect to a given point or line
Calling Sequence
reflection(Q, P, c)
the name of the object to be created
geometric object
point or line
Let c be a fixed point in the plane. By the reflection (or half-turn) in point c we mean the transformation of S onto itself which carries each point P of the plane into the point Q of the plane such that c is the midpoint of PQ. Point c is called the center of the reflection.
Let c be a fixed line in the plane. By the reflection about line c we mean the transformation of S onto itself which carries each point P of the plane into the point Q of the plane such that c goes through the midpoint of PQ and is perpendicular to PQ.
For a detailed description of the object created Q, use the routine detail (i.e., detail(Q))
The command with(geometry,reflection) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.
reflection of a point with respect to a line
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
reflection of a line with respect to a line
reflection of a circle with respect to a line
assume that the names of the horizontal and vertical axes are _x and _y, respectively
| |
| (4) |


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