Solutions for Linear Ordinary Differential Equations (LODEs) via Differential Factorization
One of the significant improvements for solving linear ODEs is the method which makes use of the factorization of differential operators (see diffop, and examples,diffop). As an example, the third order linear ODE
ode := x^2*diff(y(x),x$3) + (-x^3+3*x)*diff(y(x),x$2) + (-x^3+3*x)*y(x);
| (1) |

| (2) |
DEtools[de2diffop](ode, y(x), [Dx,x]);
| (3) |
and this operator is factored as
DEtools[DFactor]((3), [Dx,x]);
| (4) |
The original ode is then solved by solving the LODEs determined by these two factors above (the solution to the left factor enters as a non-homogeneous term in the LODE associated to the right factor; solving this non-homogeneous LODE leads to the solution of ode).
As the second example, consider
ode := diff(y(x),x$3) - x*diff(y(x),x$2) - b^2*diff(y(x),x) + b^2*x*y(x);
| (5) |
This LODE is solved by dsolve as follows

| (6) |
In this case the solving method is taking advantage of the partial factorization
Dx^3-x*Dx^2-b^2*Dx+b^2*x = (Dx-x)*(Dx^2-b^2);
| (7) |
rather than the complete factorization
Dx^3-x*Dx^2-b^2*Dx+b^2*x = (Dx-x)*(Dx-b)*(Dx+b);
| (8) |
Even in cases where dsolve cannot find solutions for all the factors, it can still return a reduction of order expressed using a DESol structure. For example, for
ode := diff(y(x),x$3) + (x^3-x)*diff(y(x),x$2) - (x^4+3)*diff(y(x),x) - (x^3-x)*y(x);
| (9) |

| (10) |
that is, a reduction of order by one, since, in the factorization
DEtools[de2diffop](ode, y(x), [Dx,x]);
| (11) |
DEtools[DFactor]((11), [Dx,x]);
| (12) |
dsolve only succeeded in solving the right factor (the left factor has no Liouvillian solutions).