RegularChains[FastArithmeticTools][RegularGcdBySpecializationCube] - regular GCD of two polynomials modulo a regular chain
Calling Sequence
RegularGcdBySpecializationCube(f1, f2, rc, SCube, R)
polynomial ring
polynomial of R
polynomial of R
regular chain
subresultant chain specialization cube
The resultant of f1 and f2 w.r.t. v must be null modulo the saturated ideal of rc.
The algorithm implemented by the command RegularGcd is more general and does not require the latter two assumptions. However, when both commands can be used the command RegularGcdBySpecializationCube is very likely to outperform RegularGcd, since it relies on modular techniques and asymptotically fast polynomial arithmetic.
Define a ring of polynomials.
| (1) |
Define two polynomials of R.
| (2) |
| (3) |
Compute images of the subresultant chain of sufficiently many points in order to interpolate. Multi-dimensional TFT (Truncated Fourier Transform) is used to evaluate and interpolate since 1 is passed as fifth argument
| (4) |
Interpolate the resultant from the SCube

| (5) |
Define a regular chain with r2. Note that r2 is not required to be squarefree.
| (6) |
Compute a regular GCD of f1 and f2 modulo rc
![g2 := [[x*a^2+x*a*b^2+962592767*x*a*c+962592768*x*a*d^2+962592768*x*c*b^2+x*c^2+x*d^2*c+962592768*b*a^2+962592768*a*d*b^2+a*c*b+a*b*d^2+a*c*d+b^2*c*d+962592768*b*d^2*c+962592768*d*c^2, regular_chain], [x^2*b+962592768*x^2*d+a*x+962592768*c*x+962592768*a*b+c*d, regular_chain], [x^2*b+962592768*x^2*d+a*x+962592768*c*x+962592768*a*b+c*d, regular_chain]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6445/file06499/math260.png)
| (7) |
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