RegularChains[FastArithmeticTools][ReduceCoefficientsDim0] - reduce the coefficients of a polynomial w.r.t a 0-dim regular chain
Calling Sequence
ReduceCoefficientsDim0(f, rc, R)
a polynomial ring
a regular chain of R
polynomial of R
The command ReduceCoefficientsDim0 returns the normal form of f w.r.t. rc in the sense of Groebner bases.
rc is assumed to be a normalized zero-dimensional regular chain and all variables of f but the main one must be algebraic w.r.t. rc. See the subpackage ChainTools for more information about these concepts.
The algorithm relies on the fast division trick (based on power series inversion) and FFT-based multivariate multiplication.
![[ChainTools, ConstructibleSetTools, Display, DisplayPolynomialRing, Equations, ExtendedRegularGcd, FastArithmeticTools, Inequations, Info, Initial, Intersect, Inverse, IsRegular, LazyRealTriangularize, MainDegree, MainVariable, MatrixCombine, MatrixTools, NormalForm, ParametricSystemTools, PolynomialRing, Rank, RealTriangularize, RegularGcd, RegularizeInitial, SamplePoints, SemiAlgebraicSetTools, Separant, SparsePseudoRemainder, SuggestVariableOrder, Tail, Triangularize]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=5682/file06498/math109.png)
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![[BivariateModularTriangularize, IteratedResultantDim0, IteratedResultantDim1, NormalFormDim0, NormalizePolynomialDim0, NormalizeRegularChainDim0, RandomRegularChainDim0, RandomRegularChainDim1, ReduceCoefficientsDim0, RegularGcdBySpecializationCube, RegularizeDim0, ResultantBySpecializationCube, SubresultantChainSpecializationCube]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=5682/file06498/math116.png)
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![variables := [x, y, z]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=5682/file06498/math127.png)
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We solve a system in 3 variables and 3 unknowns
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Its triangular decomposition consists of only one regular chain
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The polynomial in x is not normalized

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Indeed its initial is not a constant in R
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We compute the inverse of the initial of px w.r.t. rc Note that the Inverse will not fail if its first argument is not invertible w.r.t. its second one; computations will split if a zero-divisor is met. This explains the non-trivial signature of the Inverse function
![linv := [[[174020324*z^19+197335754*z^18+7625943*z^17+198840137*z^16+378204215*z^15+815531348*z^14+358244196*z^13+680868023*z^12+248247024*z^11+563170682*z^10+678017442*z^9+232546371*z^8+493675934*z^7+717866054*z^6+661798200*z^5+439140691*z^4+372603338*z^3+113779500*z^2+110488854*z+493921163, 1, regular_chain]], []]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=5682/file06498/math205.png)
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We get the inverse the initial of px w.r.t. rc

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We multiply px by the inverse of its initial and reduce the product w.r.t rc. The returned polynomial is now normalized w.r.t. rc. Note that only the polynomials of rc in y and z are used during this reduction process.

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