RegularChains[FastArithmeticTools][NormalizeRegularChainDim0] - normalize a zero-dimensional regular chain
Calling Sequence
NormalizeRegularChainDim0(rc, R)
polynomial ring
a regular chain of R
Returns a normalized regular chain generating the same ideal as rc.
rc is a zero-dimensional non-empty regular chain.
![variables := [x, y, z]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6449/file06495/math93.png)
| (1) |
We solve a system in 3 variables and 3 unknowns
| (2) |
Its triangular decomposition consists of only one regular chain
| (3) |

| (4) |
Each initial is not equal to 1, hence this regular chain is not normalized
![[z^12+94127136*z^8+691135635*z^7+676458799*z^4+195425386*z^3+326553470*z^2+574327669, z^12+94127136*z^8+691135635*z^7+676458799*z^4+195425386*z^3+326553470*z^2+574327669, 1]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6449/file06495/math139.png)
| (5) |
We compute here a regular chain which is normalized and which describes the same solution as the previous one
| (6) |
We check that it is normalized

| (7) |
We check that the two regular chains describe the set of solutions
| (8) |
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