RegularChains[FastArithmeticTools][IteratedResultantDim1] - iterated resultant of a polynomial w.r.t a one-dim regular chain
Calling Sequence
IteratedResultantDim1(f, rc, R, v)
IteratedResultantDim1(f, rc, R, v, bound)
a polynomial ring
a regular chain
a polynomial
variable of R
an upper bound of the degree of the iterated resultant to be computed (optional)
The function call IteratedResultantDim1(f, rc, R) returns the numerator of the iterated resultant of f w.r.t. rc, computed over the field of univariate rational functions in v and with coefficients in R. See the command IteratedResultant for a definition of the notion of an iterated resultant.
rc is assumed to be a one-dimensional normalized regular chain with v as free variable and f has positive degree w.r.t. v.
The default value of bound is the product of the total degrees of the polynomials in rc and f.
The iterated resultant computed by the command IteratedResultant produces the same answer provided that all initials in the regular chain rc are equal to .
The interest of the function call IteratedResultantDim1(f, rc, R) resides in the fact that, if the polynomial f is regular modulo the saturated ideal of the regular chain rc, then the roots of the returned polynomial form the projection on the v-axis of the intersection of the hypersurface defined by f and the quasi-component defined by rc.
Define a ring of polynomials.
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Define random dense polynomial and regular chain of R.
![[x1^2+469761998*x1+77*x2+95*x3+x4+377175716, x2^2+40*x2+469761968*x3+91*x4+2502552, x3^2+469762020*x3+95*x4+63792240]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6447/file06492/math222.png)
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Compute the (numerator) of the iterated resultant

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Compare with the generic algorithm (non-fast and non-modular algorithm) of the command IteratedResultant.

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Check that the two results are equal, since here all initials are equal to 1.
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