Consider the following PDE "system" consisting of a single pde.
| (1) |
| (2) |
This system automatically satisfies the conditions for being a divergence mentioned in the Description:
| (3) |
Hence is the divergence of a current
| (4) |
and admits a constant integrating factor:
| (5) |
When combined with the rest of the Maple library, the Euler operator can serve varied purposes. Consider for example deriving the most general form of the divergence of a current that is also a first order PDE in two variables. The starting point is a generic expression, , so it depends only on the first order derivatives.
| (6) |
The conditions that Delta must satisfy in order to be a divergence are:
| (7) |
These conditions can be integrated.
| (8) |
Verify that these conditions are sufficient by applying Euler's operator to this result. First convert the result from jet notation to function notation.
| (9) |
So the above is the most general form of a divergence that is also a first order PDE. The following verifies that this form is correct.
| (10) |
The most general form of a second order linear PDE in two independent variables that is also a divergence of a current can be derived in a similar way, starting with the following definition.
| (11) |
| (12) |
The conditions for divergence, in the form of equations satisfied by the A[j]( x, t ) are obtained by applying Euler's operator.
| (13) |
Note that in the above calculation, the dependent variable of the problem must be specified, otherwise A[j]( x, t ) for all j would be also picked up as dependent variables. The result above is a single expression from which A[j]( x, t ) for one j can be isolated; the simplest form is achieved by isolating A[0].
| (14) |
| (15) |
This result can be verified applying Euler's operator to it.
| (16) |