OreTools[Modular][Add] - add two Ore polynomials
OreTools[Modular][Minus] - subtract two Ore polynomials
OreTools[Modular][ScalarMultiply] - multiply an Ore polynomial on the left by a scalar
OreTools[Modular][Multiply] - multiply two Ore polynomials
Calling Sequence
Modular[Add](Ore1, Ore2, p)
Modular[Minus](Ore1, Ore2, p)
Modular[ScalarMultiply](s, Ore1, p)
Modular[Multiply](Ore1, Ore2, p, A)
Ore1, Ore2
Ore polynomials; to define an Ore polynomial, use the OrePoly structure
scalar from the coefficient domain
Ore algebra; to define an Ore algebra, use the SetOreRing command
The Modular[Add](Ore1, Ore2, m) calling sequence adds the two Ore polynomials Ore1 and Ore2 modulo p.
The Modular[Minus](Ore1, Ore2, p) calling sequence subtracts the Ore polynomial Ore2 from the Ore polynomial Ore1 modulo p.
The Modular[ScalarMultiply](s, Ore1, p) calling sequence multiplies the Ore polynomial Ore1 on the left by the scalar s modulo p.
The Modular[Multiply](Ore1, Ore2, p, A) calling sequence multiplies the two Ore polynomials Ore1 and Ore2 in the Ore algebra A modulo m.
Define the shift algebra.
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