OreTools[MathOperations][HilbertTwistReduction] - return isomorphic images of Ore polynomials under the Hilbert twist reduction
OreTools[MathOperations][InverseOfHilbertTwistReduction] - return pre-images of Ore polynomials under the HilbertTwistReduction
OreTools[MathOperations][AccurateIntegration] - check for the existence of a primitive element, and perform accurate integration
Calling Sequence
HilbertTwistReduction(P, A, 'B')
InverseOfHilbertTwistReduction(P, A)
AccurateIntegration(L, A)
Note: An Ore polynomial ring B is of Hilbert's twist type if its (pseudo) derivation maps everything to zero. For an Ore polynomial ring A with nontrivial automorphism, there is a ring isomorphism from A onto the ring B of Hilbert's twist type whose automorphism is the same as the A's. The isomorphism is called the Hilbert twist reduction.
Ore polynomial or a list of Ore polynomials; to define an Ore polynomial, use the OrePoly structure.
Ore polynomial.
Ore ring with nontrivial automorphism; to define an Ore algebra, use the SetOreRing function.
(optional) unevaluated name.
The HilbertTwistReduction(P, A, B) calling sequence returns the image of P under the Hilbert twist reduction. If the (optional) third argument B is present, it is assigned to the Ore ring whose automorphism is the same as the A's and whose (pseudo) derivation sends everything to zero.
The InverseOfHilbertTwistReduction(P, A) calling sequence returns the pre-image of P under the Hilbert twist reduction. Note that A is the source ring of the Hilbert twist reduction.
Let A be the shift, q-shift, or differential algebra. The AccurateIntegration(L, A) calling sequence performs accurate integration, which solves the following problem: Let y satisfy L(y)=0 and g satisfy lambda(g)=y, where lambda means the usual derivative in the differential case, the difference operator in the shift case, and the q-difference operator in the q-shift case. The function builds an annihilator S (represented as an OrePoly structure) for g of the same degree as that of L, and an operator K such that g=K(y) if both exist. Otherwise, it returns .
Define an Ore ring.
A := SetOreRing(n, 'difference',
'sigma' = proc(p, x) eval(p, x=x+1) end,
'sigma_inverse' = proc(p, x) eval(p, x=x-1) end,
'delta' = proc(p, x) eval(p, x=x+1) - p end,
'theta1' = 0);
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Examples of AccurateIntegration:
| (8) |
| (9) |
![[OrePoly(1, -(1/180)*(-9*x-2+162*x^2)/x, -1/45-(1/12)*x+(9/20)*x^2), OrePoly((1/180)*(-9*x-2+162*x^2)/x, 1/45+(1/12)*x-(9/20)*x^2)]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6525/file06378/math248.png)
| (10) |
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| (12) |
| (13) |
Abramov, S.A., and van Hoeij, M. "Integration of Solutions of Linear Functional Equations." Integral Transformations and Special Functions. Vol. 8 No. 1-2. (1999): 3-12.