OreTools[GCD] - compute greatest common right or left divisor (GCRD or GCLD) of Ore polynomials
OreTools[LCM] - compute least common left or right multiple (LCLM or LCRM) of Ore polynomials
OreTools[ExtendedGCD] - compute the GCRD or GCLD of two Ore polynomials and the last two members of the first or/and second co-sequences
Calling Sequence
GCD['right'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, 'cofactors' = true, A)
GCD(Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, 'cofactors' = true, A)
GCD['left'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, 'cofactors' = true, A)
LCM['left'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, 'cofactors' = true, A)
LCM(Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, 'cofactors' = true, A)
LCM['right'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, 'cofactors' = true, A)
ExtendedGCD['right'](Poly1, Poly2, A, 'c1', 'c2')
ExtendedGCD(Poly1, Poly2, A, 'c1', 'c2')
ExtendedGCD['left'](Poly1, Poly2, A, 'c1', 'c2')
Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk
nonzero Ore polynomials; to define an Ore polynomial, use the OrePoly structure.
'cofactors' = true
(optional) equation; force computation of cofactors
Ore algebra; to define an Ore algebra, use the SetOreRing function.
c1, c2
(optional) names.
The GCD['right'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, A) or GCD(Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, A) calling sequence returns the monic GCRD of Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk. The GCD['left'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, A) calling sequence returns the monic GCLD of Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk.
If the optional 'cofactors = true' equation is specified, the GCD function returns a list in which the first element is the GCRD (resp. GCLD) of the Ore polynomials and the second element is a list of all the left (resp. right) cofactors of the Ore polynomials and the GCRD (resp. GCLD).
The LCM['left'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, A) or LCM(Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, A) calling sequence returns the monic LCLM of Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk. The LCM['right'](Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk, A) calling sequence returns the monic LCRM of Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyk.
If the optional 'cofactors = true' equation is specified, the LCM function returns a list in which the first element is the LCLM (resp. LCRM) of the Ore polynomials and the second element is a list of all the left (resp. right) cofactors of the LCLM (resp. LCRM) and the Ore polynomials.
The ExtendedGCD['right'](Poly1, Poly2, A) or ExtendedGCD(Poly1, Poly2, A) calling sequence returns the monic GCRD of Poly1 and Poly2.
The fourth optional argument c1, when present, is assigned a pair [u, v] of Ore polynomials such that (u Poly1 - G) is right divisible by Poly2, where G is the monic GCRD of Poly1 and Poly2; and v Poly1 is the LCLM of Poly1 and Poly2.
The fourth and fifth optional arguments c1 and c2, when present, are assigned two pairs [u1, v1] and [u2, v2] of Ore polynomials, respectively. In this case,
where G is the monic GCRD of Poly1 and Poly2, v1 Poly1 is the LCLM of Poly1 and Poly2.
The ExtendedGCD['left'](Poly1, Poly2, A) calling sequence returns the monic GCLD of Poly1 and Poly2.
The fourth optional argument c1, when present, is assigned a pair [u, v] of Ore polynomials such that (Poly1 u - G) is left divisible by Poly2, where G is the monic GCLD of Poly1 and Poly2; and Poly1 v is the LCRM of Poly1 and Poly2.
The fourth and fifth optional arguments c1 and c2, when present, are assigned two pairs [u1, v1] and [u2, v2] of Ore polynomials, respectively. In this case,
where G is the monic GCLD of Poly1 and Poly2, Poly1 v1 is the LCRM of Poly1 and Poly2.
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![[OrePoly((1/3)/(n-2), 1), [OrePoly(3*n-6, 3*n^2-6*n, 3*(n-2)*n^2), OrePoly(3*n^2-9*n+6, 9*n^3-33*n^2+39*n-18, 9*(n-2)*n^2), OrePoly(3*n-6)]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7363/file02448/math398.png)
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Abramov, S.A.; Le, H.Q.; and Li, Z. "OreTools: a computer algebra library for univariate Ore polynomial rings." Technical Report CS-2003-12. School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 2003.
Li, Z., and Nemes, I. "A modular algorithm for computing greatest common right divisors of Ore polynomials." Proc. of ISSAC'97, pp. 282-289. Edited by W. Kuechlin. ACM Press, 1997.