MapleUnique - return unique copy of an object in external code
Calling Sequence
MapleUnique(kv, s)
kernel handle returned by StartMaple
Maple object
This function is part of the OpenMaple interface to Microsoft Visual Basic.
The MapleUnique function processes the Maple expression, s, and returns the unique normalized copy of that expression. For example, if you create the number num = one-billion, and then compute the number val = 2*500-million, an address comparison of num and val does not indicate equality. For example, after calling num = MapleUnique(kv,num);, both num and val point to the same memory.
Sub TestConvertToMaple(ByVal kv As Long)
Dim list, args As Long
list = MapleListAlloc(kv, 15)
'MapleGcProtect kv, list
MapleListAssign kv, list, 1, ToMapleBoolean(kv, 1)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 2, ToMapleBoolean(kv, 0)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 3, ToMapleBoolean(kv, -1)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 4, ToMapleBoolean(kv, 2)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 5, ToMapleChar(kv, "M")
MapleListAssign kv, list, 6, ToMapleComplex(kv, 1.1, 2.2)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 7, ToMapleComplexFloat(kv, _
ToMapleFloat(kv, 3.3), ToMapleFloat(kv, 4.4))
MapleListAssign kv, list, 8, ToMapleInteger(kv, 98765)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 9, ToMapleFloat(kv, 3.1415)
args = NewMapleExpressionSequence(kv, 2)
MapleExpseqAssign kv, args, 1, ToMapleName(kv, "x", True)
MapleExpseqAssign kv, args, 2, ToMapleName(kv, "x", True)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 10, ToMapleFunction(kv, _
ToMapleName(kv, "int", True), args)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 11, ToMapleNULLPointer(kv)
MapleListAssign kv, list, 12, ToMapleRelation(kv, ">", _
ToMapleName(kv, "X", True), ToMapleInteger(kv, 1))
MapleListAssign kv, list, 13, ToMapleString(kv, "A string")
MapleListAssign kv, list, 14, ToMapleUneval(kv, _
ToMapleName(kv, "Z", True))
MapleListAssign kv, list, 15, ToMapleNULL(kv)
'note this will get removed when the list is flattened
MapleALGEB_Printf1 kv, "%a", MapleUnique(kv, list)
End Sub