MapleEvalhf - evaluate an object using hardware floats in external code
EvalhfMapleProc - evaluate a procedure using hardware floats in external code
Calling Sequence
MapleEvalhf(kv, s)
EvalhfMapleProc(kv, fn, n, args)
kernel handle returned by StartMaple
Maple object object
Maple FUNCTION object
number of arguments
array of n hardware floats
These functions are part of the OpenMaple interface to Microsoft Visual Basic.
The MapleEvalhf function evaluates an expression to a numerical value using the hardware floating-point of the underlying system. This command is equivalent to the Maple function, evalhf.
The EvalhfMapleProc function evaluates the function, f(args), to a numerical value using evalhf. The n arguments provided are all 64-bit hardware floating-point numbers. The first argument must be inserted at args[1]. For example, to call f(3.14,2.718), set args[1] = 3.14, and args[2] = 2.718. The value at args[0] is not used.
Function MyNewton(ByVal kv As Long) As Double
Dim i As Long
Dim guess(2) As Double
Dim tolerance As Double
Dim f, fprime, x, initguess As Long
' define a function in x to solve, and find it's derivative
f = EvalMapleStatement(kv, "(x) -> x^3+2*x^2-9*x+2;")
MapleAssign kv, ToMapleName(kv, "f", True), f
fprime = EvalMapleStatement(kv, "unapply(diff(f(x),x),x);")
x = ToMapleName(kv, "x", True)
guess(1) = 1.1
tolerance = 0.0001
' find a root (abort after 500 iterations)
For i = 0 To 500
'test current guess
If Abs(EvalhfMapleProc(kv, f, 1, guess(0))) <= tolerance Then
i = 501 'break
'refine guess
guess(1) = guess(1) - EvalhfMapleProc(kv, f, 1, guess(0)) / _
EvalhfMapleProc(kv, fprime, 1, guess(0))
End If
Next i
If i = 500 Then
MyNewton = -999999 'couldn't find root
MyNewton = guess(1)
End If
End Function