Numeric.isByte - check if the value stored in the Numeric fits into a Java byte
Calling Sequence
boolean isByte() throws MapleException
The isByte function returns true if the value represented by the current Numeric object is an integer that is small enough to fit into a Java byte. The isByte function returns false otherwise.
import com.maplesoft.openmaple.*;
import com.maplesoft.externalcall.MapleException;
class Example
public static void main( String notused[] ) throws MapleException
String mapleArgs[];
Engine engine;
Numeric n;
byte b;
mapleArgs = new String[1];
mapleArgs[0] = "java";
engine = new Engine( mapleArgs, new EngineCallBacksDefault(),
null, null );
n = (Numeric)engine.evaluate( "200:" );
System.out.println( n.isByte() );
catch ( MapleException me )
System.out.println( me.getMessage() );
n = (Numeric)engine.evaluate( "100:" );
System.out.println( n.isByte() );
b = n.byteValue();
System.out.println( b );
Executing this code produces the following output.
Error, value too large for integer[1]
See Also
ExternalCalling/Java/MapleException, OpenMaple, OpenMaple/Java/API, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/byteValue, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/intValue, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/isInt, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/isInteger, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/isLong, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/isShort, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/longValue, OpenMaple/Java/Numeric/shortValue
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