NAG[g05ccc] NAG[nag_random_init_nonrepeatable] - Initialize random number generating functions to give non-repeatable sequence
Calling Sequence
nag_random_init_nonrepeatable(. . .)
nag_random_init_nonrepeatable (g05ccc) sets the seed used by the basic generator in Chapter g05 to a non-repeatable initial value.
nag_random_init_nonrepeatable (g05ccc) sets the internal seed used by the basic generator g05cac (nag_random_continuous_uniform) to a value calculated from the setting of the real-time clock. It then generates the value and discards it, i.e., the first available value is .
This function will yield different subsequent sequences of random numbers in different runs of the calling program. It should be noted that there is no guarantee of statistical properties between sequences, only within sequences.
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