NAG[g03zac] NAG[nag_mv_z_scores] - Standardize values of a data matrix
Calling Sequence
g03zac(x, isx, s, e, z, 'n'=n, 'm'=m, 'tdx'=tdx, 'nvar'=nvar, 'tdz'=tdz, 'fail'=fail)
nag_mv_z_scores(. . .)
x - Matrix(1..n, 1..tdx, datatype=float[8], order=C_order);
s - Vector(1..m, datatype=float[8]);
If , then is not referenced.
e - Vector(1..m, datatype=float[8]);
If , then is not referenced.
z - Matrix(1..n, 1..tdz, datatype=float[8], order=C_order);
On exit: the matrix of standardized values ( -scores), .
'n'=n - integer; (optional)
Default value: the first dimension of the arrays x, z.
On entry: the number of observations in the data matrix, .
Constraint: . .
'm'=m - integer; (optional)
Default value: the first dimension of the arrays isx, s, e and the second dimension of the arrays isx, s, ethe array x.
On entry: the number of variables in the data array x.
Constraint: . .
'tdx'=tdx - integer; (optional)
On entry: the second dimension of the array x as declared in the function from which nag_mv_z_scores (g03zac) is called.
Constraint: . .
'nvar'=nvar - integer; (optional)
Default value: the second dimension of the array z.
On entry: the number of variables to be standardized, .
Constraint: . .
'tdz'=tdz - integer; (optional)
On entry: the second dimension of the array z as declared in the function from which nag_mv_z_scores (g03zac) is called.
Constraint: . .
'fail'=fail - table; (optional)
The NAG error argument, see the documentation for NagError.
nag_mv_z_scores (g03zac) produces standardized values ( -scores) for a data matrix.
Error Indicators and Warnings
On entry, while . These arguments must satisfy .
On entry, n must not be less than 1: .
On entry, , . Constraint: if then ,
An internal error has occurred in this function. Check the function call and any array sizes. If the call is correct then please consult NAG for assistance.
The number of variables, nvar in the analysis , while number of variables included in the analysis via array . Constraint: these two numbers must be the same.
Standard accuracy is achieved.
n := 4:
m := 3:
tdx := 3:
nvar := 2:
tdz := 2:
x := Matrix(4, 3, datatype=float[8], order='C_order'):
isx := Vector([1, 0, 1], datatype=integer[kernelopts('wordsize')/8]):
s := Vector([2.5, 0, 420.3], datatype=float[8]):
e := Vector([14.75, 0, 1050], datatype=float[8]):
z := Matrix(4, 2, datatype=float[8], order='C_order'):
NAG:-g03zac(x, isx, s, e, z, 'n' = n, 'm' = m, 'tdx' = tdx, 'nvar' = nvar, 'tdz' = tdz):