NAG[e04dgc] NAG[nag_opt_conj_grad] - Unconstrained minimization using conjugate gradients
Calling Sequence
e04dgc(objfun, x, objf, g, 'n'=n, 'optional_settings'=optional_settings, 'comm'=comm, 'fail'=fail)
nag_opt_conj_grad(. . .)
objfun - procedure;
objfun must calculate the objective function and its gradient at a specified point .
objfun(n, x, objf, g, comm)
n - integer;
On entry: the number of variables.
x - Vector(1..n, datatype=float[8]);
On entry: the point at which the objective function is required.
objf - assignable;
Note: On exit the variable objf will have a value of type float.
On exit: the value of the objective function at the current point .
g - Vector(1..n, datatype=float[8]);
comm - table;
A Maple table, which should be generated using NAG[Nag_Comm], corresponding to the Nag_Comm structure.
On entry: is always non-negative.
On exit: if objfun resets to some negative number then nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) will terminate immediately with the error indicator NE_USER_STOP.
On entry: will be set to true on the first call to objfun and false for all subsequent calls.
On entry: the number of calculations of the objective function; this value will be equal to the number of calls made to objfun including the current one.
Before calling nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) this field may be initialized for use by objfun when called from nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc).
Note: objfun should be tested separately before being used in conjunction with nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc). The array x must not be changed by objfun.
x - Vector(1..n, datatype=float[8]);
On entry: , an estimate of the solution point .
On exit: the final estimate of the solution.
objf - assignable;
Note: On exit the variable objf will have a value of type float.
On exit: the value of the objective function at the final iterate.
g - Vector(1..n, datatype=float[8]);
On exit: the objective gradient at the final iterate.
'n'=n - integer; (optional)
Default value: the first dimension of the arrays x, g.
On entry: the number of variables.
Constraint: . .
'optional_settings'=optional_settings - Vector; (optional)
'comm'=comm - table; (optional)
A Maple table, which should be generated using NAG[Nag_Comm], corresponding to the Nag_Comm structure.
'fail'=fail - table; (optional)
The NAG error argument, see the documentation for NagError.
nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) minimizes an unconstrained nonlinear function of several variables using a pre-conditioned, limited memory quasi-Newton conjugate gradient method. The function is intended for use on large scale problems.
nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) uses a pre-conditioned conjugate gradient method and is based upon algorithm PLMA as described in Gill and Murray (1979) and Section 4.8.3 of Gill et al. (1981).
The algorithm proceeds as follows:
Let be a given starting point and let denote the current iteration, starting with . The iteration requires , the gradient vector evaluated at , the th estimate of the minimum. At each iteration a vector (known as the direction of search) is computed and the new estimate is given by where (the step length) minimizes the function with respect to the scalar . At the start of each line search an initial approximation to the step is taken as:
where is a user-supplied estimate of the function value at the solution. If is not specified, the software always chooses the unit step length for . Subsequent step length estimates are computed using cubic interpolation with safeguards.
A quasi-Newton method computes the search direction, , by updating the inverse of the approximate Hessian and computing
The updating formula for the approximate inverse is given by
where and .
The method used by nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) to obtain the search direction is based upon computing as where is a matrix obtained by updating the identity matrix with a limited number of quasi-Newton corrections. The storage of an by matrix is avoided by storing only the vectors that define the rank two corrections – hence the term limited-memory quasi-Newton method. The precise method depends upon the number of updating vectors stored. For example, the direction obtained with the "one-step" limited memory update is given by (1) using (2) with equal to the identity matrix, viz.
nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) uses a two-step method described in detail in Gill and Murray (1979) in which restarts and pre-conditioning are incorporated. Using a limited-memory quasi-Newton formula, such as the one above, guarantees to be a descent direction if all the inner products are positive for all vectors and used in the updating formula.
The termination criteria of nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) are as follows:
Let specify an argument that indicates the number of correct figures desired in ( is equivalent to optional_settings[optim_tol] in the optional argument list, see Section [Optional Arguments]). If the following three conditions are satisfied:
then the algorithm is considered to have converged. For a full discussion on termination criteria see Chapter 8 of Gill et al. (1981).
Error Indicators and Warnings
Dynamic memory allocation failed.
On entry, argument optional_settings[print_level] had an illegal value.
The gradient at the starting point is too small, rerun the problem at a different starting point.
The value of is less than , where is the machine precision.
On entry, n must not be less than 1: .
Value given to optional_settings[max_iter] not valid. Correct range is .
Value given to optional_settings[f_prec] not valid. Correct range is .
Value given to optional_settings[max_line_step] not valid. Correct range is .
Value given to optional_settings[linesearch_tol] not valid. Correct range is .
Cannot open file for appending.
Cannot close file .
Options structure not initialized.
A sufficient decrease in the function value could not be attained during the final linesearch. Current point cannot be improved upon.
If objfun computes the function and gradients correctly, then this warning may occur because an overly stringent accuracy has been requested, i.e., optional_settings[optim_tol] is too small or if the minimum lies close to a step length of zero. In this case the user should apply the tests described in Section [Description] to determine whether or not the final solution is acceptable. For a discussion of attainable accuracy see Gill et al. (1981).
If many iterations have occurred in which essentially no progress has been made or nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) has failed to move from the initial point, then the function objfun may be incorrect. The user should refer to the comments below under NE_DERIV_ERRORS and check the gradients using the optional_settings[verify_grad] argument. Unfortunately, there may be small errors in the objective gradients that cannot be detected by the verification process. Finite-difference approximations to first derivatives are catastrophically affected by even small inaccuracies.
Computed upper-bound on step length was too small
The computed upper bound on the step length taken during the linesearch was too small. A rerun with an increased value of optional_settings[max_line_step] ( say) may be successful unless (the default value), in which case the current point cannot be improved upon.
The maximum number of iterations, , have been performed.
If the algorithm appears to be making progress the value of optional_settings[max_iter] value may be too small (see Section [Optional Arguments]), the user should increase its value and rerun nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc). If the algorithm seems to be "bogged down", the user should check for incorrect gradients or ill-conditioning as described below under NW_NO_IMPROVEMENT.
On successful exit the accuracy of the solution will be as defined by the optional argument optional_settings[optim_tol].
The optional_settings Parameter
Further information and examples on setting and using vectors of this type are available, see the documentation for NAG[SetOptions], NAG[GetOptions], NAG[FreeOptions] and NAG[Nag_E04_Opt].
list - boolean;
On entry: if the argument settings in the call to nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) will be printed.
print_level - String;
On entry: the level of results printout produced by nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc). The following values are available:
"Nag_Soln" The final solution.
"Nag_Iter" One line of output for each iteration.
"Nag_Soln_Iter" The final solution and one line of output for each iteration.
Constraint: "Nag_NoPrint", "Nag_Soln", "Nag_Iter" or "Nag_Soln_Iter". .
outfile - Vector(datatype=string);
On entry: The name of a file to which intermediate or diagnostic output should be appended. If a value is not provided for this parameter then the behaviour of this routine is platform dependent. Usually all output will be suppressed, however on some platforms output will be produced and will be displayed in the Maple session.
verify_grad - String;
On entry: specifies the level of derivative checking to be performed by nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) on the gradient elements defined in the user supplied function objfun.
verify_grad may have the following values:
"Nag_NoCheck" No derivative check is performed.
"Nag_SimpleCheck" Perform a simple check of the gradient.
"Nag_CheckObj" Perform a component check of the gradient elements.
Constraint: "Nag_NoCheck", "Nag_SimpleCheck" or "Nag_CheckObj". .
print_gcheck - boolean;
On entry: if true the result of any derivative check (see optional_settings[verify_grad]) will be printed.
obj_check_start - integer;
obj_check_stop - integer;
On entry: these options take effect only when . They may be used to control the verification of gradient elements computed by the function objfun. For example, if the first 30 variables appear linearly in the objective, so that the corresponding gradient elements are constant, then it is reasonable for optional_settings[obj_check_start] to be set to 31.
Constraint: . .
max_iter - integer;
On entry: the limit on the number of iterations allowed before termination.
Constraint: . .
f_prec - Vector(datatype=float[8]);
Constraint: . .
optim_tol - Vector(datatype=float[8]);
Constraint: . .
linesearch_tol - Vector(datatype=float[8]);
On entry: controls the accuracy with which the step taken during each iteration approximates a minimum of the function along the search direction (the smaller the value of linesearch_tol, the more accurate the linesearch). The default value requests an inaccurate search, and is appropriate for most problems. A more accurate search may be appropriate when it is desirable to reduce the number of iterations – for example, if the objective function is cheap to evaluate.
Constraint: . .
max_line_step - Vector(datatype=float[8]);
On entry: defines the maximum allowable step length for the line search.
Constraint: . .
f_est - float;
On entry: specifies the user-supplied guess of the optimum objective function value. This value is used by nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) to calculate an initial step length (see Section [Description]). If no value is supplied then an initial step length of 1.0 will be used but it should be noted that for badly scaled functions a unit step along the steepest descent direction will often compute the function at very large values of .
iter - assignable;
Note: On exit the variable iter will have a value of type integer.
On exit: the number of iterations which have been performed in nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc).
nf - assignable;
Note: On exit the variable nf will have a value of type integer.
On exit: the number of times the objective function has been evaluated (i.e., number of calls of objfun). The total excludes the calls made to objfun for purposes of derivative checking.
Description of Printed Output
The level of printed output can be controlled with the structure members optional_settings[list], optional_settings[print_gcheck] and optional_settings[print_level] (see Section [The optional-settings Parameter]). If then the argument values to nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) are listed, followed by the result of any derivative check if . The printout of the optimization results is governed by the value of optional_settings[print_level]. The default of provides a single line of output at each iteration and the final result. This section describes all of the possible levels of results printout available from nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc).
If a simple derivative check, , is requested then the directional derivative, , of the objective gradient and its finite difference approximation are printed out, where is a random vector of unit length.
When a component derivative check, , is requested then the following results are supplied for each component:
x[i] the element of .
dx[i] the optimal finite difference interval.
g[i] the gradient element.
Difference approxn. the finite difference approximation.
Itns the number of trials performed to find a suitable difference interval.
The indicator, OK or BAD?, states whether the gradient element and finite difference approximation are in agreement.
If the gradient is believed to be in error nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) will exit with the error "NE_DERIV_ERRORS" is raised.
When "Nag_Iter" or "Nag_Soln_Iter" a single line of output is produced on completion of each iteration, this gives the following values:
Itn the current iteration number .
Nfun the cumulative number of calls to objfun. The evaluations needed for the estimation of the gradients by finite differences are not included in the total Nfun. The value of Nfun is a guide to the amount of work required for the linesearch. nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) will perform at most 16 function evaluations per iteration.
Objective the current value of the objective function, .
Norm g the Euclidean norm of the gradient vector, .
Norm x the Euclidean norm of .
Norm(x(k-1)-x(k)) the Euclidean norm of .
Step the step taken along the computed search direction .
If "Nag_Soln" or "Nag_Soln_Iter", the final result is printed out. This consists of:
x the final point, .
g the final gradient vector, .
If then printout will be suppressed; the user can print the final solution when nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) returns to the calling program.
Output of results via a user-defined printing function
The rest of this section can be skipped if the default printing facilities provide the required functionality.
When a user-defined function is assigned to optional_settings[print_fun] this will be called in preference to the internal print function of nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc). Calls to the user-defined function are again controlled by means of the optional_settings[print_gcheck] and optional_settings[print_level] members. Information is provided through st and comm the two structure arguments to optional_settings[print_fun].
If then the results from the last iteration of nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) are in the following members of st:
n - integer
The number of variables.
x - Vector(datatype=float[8])
Points to the n memory locations holding the current point .
f - float
The value of the current objective function.
g - Vector(datatype=float[8])
Points to the n memory locations holding the first derivatives of at the current point .
step - float
The step taken along the search direction .
xk_norm - float
The Euclidean norm of .
iter - integer
The number of iterations performed by nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc).
nf - integer
The cumulative number of calls made to objfun.
If then the members
n - integer
The number of variables,
x - Vector(datatype=float[8])
Points to the n memory locations holding the initial point ,
g - Vector(datatype=float[8])
Points to the n memory locations holding the first derivatives of at the initial point ,
are set, and the details of any derivative check performed by nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) are held in the following substructure of st:
gprint - table
Which in turn contains two substructures g_chk, f_sim and a pointer to an array of substructures, .
g_chk - table
The substructure g_chk contains the members:
type - table
The type of derivative check performed by nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc). This will be the same value as in optional_settings[verify_grad].
g_error - integer
This member will be equal to one of the error codes no error raised or NE_DERIV_ERRORS according to whether the derivatives were found to be correct or not.
obj_start - integer
Specifies the gradient element at which any component check started. This value will be equal to optional_settings[obj_check_start].
obj_stop - integer
Specifies the gradient element at which any component check ended. This value will be equal to optional_settings[obj_check_stop].
f_sim - table
The result of a simple derivative check, , will be held in this substructure which has members:
correct - boolean
If true then the objective gradient is consistent with the finite difference approximation according to a simple check.
dir_deriv - Vector(datatype=float[8])
The directional derivative where is a random vector of unit length with elements of approximately equal magnitude.
fd_approx - Vector(datatype=float[8])
The finite difference approximation, , to the directional derivative.
f_comp - table
The results of a component derivative check, , will be held in the array of n substructures of type pointed to by f_comp. The procedure for the derivative check is based on finding an interval that produces an acceptable estimate of the second derivative, and then using that estimate to compute an interval that should produce a reasonable forward-difference approximation. The gradient element is then compared with the difference approximation. (The method of finite difference interval estimation is based on Gill et al. (1983b)).
correct - boolean
If true then this objective gradient component is consistent with its finite difference approximation.
hopt - Vector(datatype=float[8])
The optimal finite difference interval. This is dx[i] in the NAG default printout.
gdiff - Vector(datatype=float[8])
The finite difference approximation for this gradient component.
iter - integer
The number of trials performed to find a suitable difference interval.
comment - character
A character string which describes the possible nature of the reason for which an estimation of the finite difference interval failed to produce a satisfactory relative condition error of the second-order difference. Possible strings are: "Constant?", "Linear or odd?", "Too nonlinear?" and "Small derivative?".
The relevant members of the structure comm are:
g_prt - boolean
Will be true only when the print function is called with the result of the derivative check of objfun.
it_prt - boolean
Will be true when the print function is called with the result of the current iteration.
sol_prt - boolean
Will be true when the print function is called with the final result.
Before calling nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc) this field may be initialized for use by when called from nag_opt_conj_grad (e04dgc).
objfun := proc(n, x, objf::evaln, g, comm)
local ex1:
ex1 := exp(x[1]):
objf := ex1*(4*x[1]*x[1] + 2*x[2]*x[2] + 4*x[1]*x[2] + 2*x[2] + 1):
g[1] := 4*ex1*(2*x[1] + x[2]) + eval(objf):
g[2] := 2*ex1*(2*x[2] + 2*x[1] + 1):
end proc:
x := Vector([-1, 1], datatype=float[8]):
g := Vector(2, datatype=float[8]):
NAG:-e04dgc(objfun, x, objf, g):
See Also
Gill P E and Murray W (1979) Conjugate-gradient methods for large-scale nonlinear optimization Technical Report SOL 79-15 Department of Operations Research, Stanford University
Gill P E, Murray W, Saunders M A and Wright M H (1983b) Computing forward-difference intervals for numerical optimization SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 4 310–321
Gill P E, Murray W and Wright M H (1981) Practical Optimization Academic Press
e04 Chapter Introduction.
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