Matlab[ode45] - use MATLAB(R) to solve a previously defined system, f, with ODE45
Matlab[ode15s] - use MATLAB(R) to solve a previously defined system, f, with ODE15s
Calling Sequence
ode45(f, Trange, IC)
ode45(f, Trange, IC, tol=Tol)
ode15s(f, Trange, IC)
ode15s(f, Trange, IC, tol=Tol)
string naming a function defined in MATLAB
range, t_initial..t_final
initial conditions vector; for example, [0, 0, 0]
optional floating-point setting for tolerance (default is .001)
The ode45 command uses MATLAB to compute the ODE45 solution of a differential system. The ode15s command uses MATLAB to compute the ODE15S solution of a differential system.
To be valid, the call must name the function (f) defined in MATLAB, and specify both the time range (Trange) and the initial condition vector (IC).
The function f must either be a built-in MATLAB function, or a function defined in the file f.m in the active MATLAB path
The time range must contain both a start time (t_initial) and an end time (t_final).
The initial condition (IC) must have a dimension consistent with the dimension of the system defined in the function, f.
The tolerance option (specified using 'tol'=Tol) must be a floating-point value. It defaults to .001 if not specified.
Executing the ode45 command returns two Vectors: (T, X). T is the Vector of time steps where f was evaluated, and X is a Vector of values of f, evaluated at times in T.
Call ode45 to work on a built-in MATLAB function.
Call ode15s to work on a built-in MATLAB function.
Create a user-defined function, rocket, in Maple. The file may also be predefined in the current path.


Use the ssystem command to set the permissions on UNIX systems.
Open the Matlab link.
Before accessing the user-defined function, the file needs to be opened (in MATLAB).

Set global variables (in MATLAB).
Setup the problem.
Solve the problem.
Plot the results.
, seq([10, 10, t-10], t = 10 .. tf)], color = red, symbol = cross)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9057/file02395/math240.png)