MTM[mldivide] - left matrix division
Calling Sequence
matrix, vector, array, or scalar
matrix, vector, array, or scalar
If A is a square matrix and B is a matrix, then mldivide(A,B) computes X, where X is the solution to the matrix equation A * X=B.
If A is a non-square matrix and B is a matrix, then mldivide(A,B) computes X, where X is a solution to the linear system A * X=B, in the least squares sense.
Maple normally treats arrays and vectors as distinct from matrices, in some cases not permitting a matrix operation when the given argument is not specifically declared as a matrix. This function implicitly extends arrays and vectors to 2 dimensions. Notably, n-element column vectors are treated as n x 1 matrices. Also, n-element row vectors and 1-D arrays are treated as 1 x n matrices.
If A is a scalar, then mldivide(A,B) computes ldivide(A,B).
If B is a scalar, then mldivide(A,B) is computed as if B is a 1 x 1 matrix.
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